Scorpion Service
In my experience scorpions are the toughest pests to get rid of in Arizona. A direct exposure to our pesticide (sprayed directly on to the scorpion) will kill a scorpion very quickly. However, scorpions are very good at hiding. They can hide several places including under stones, in piles of rocks, in cracks in masonry, in woodpiles and under the bark of trees, and in the hollows of concrete block fences. This makes them less likely to receive a direct pesticide exposure when servicing a home. To reduce their ability to hide black lights can be used during a nighttime or dusk service. Scorpions will glow in UV light reducing their ability to hide. This will make them more visible and enable more effective treatment. A black-light service is one of the best ways to quickly reduce a scorpion population. I recommend this to the initial service.

Scorpions have an exoskeleton and walk on the tips of their feet without dragging their bellies. Because of this, they are not exposed to a great deal of the residual pesticides that are left behind after a service. Frequently the amount of exposure is not enough to instantly kill them but it will make them more lethargic and after a few days they will finally die. The residual pesticides’ main advantage for scorpion treatment is that it kills the other pests that are the food source for scorpions. Regularly scheduled treatments (whether Quarterly, Every Two Months, or Monthly) will help to control scorpions by removing their food sources (other bugs)and forcing them to move on. When dealing with a scorpion issue, Monthly or Service Every Two Months is highly recommended.
Other Steps for deterring scorpions include:
1) removing debris from around the home
2) Sealing off your home by using silicone caulking, weather strips, door sweeps, and screening or mesh on vents, etc.
3) Avoiding overwatering (this can attract scorpions and their prey)
4) Switch to yellow bulbs for exterior lighting